A great way to add a new element/perspective to your online marketing of your property is by incorporating aerial video and pictures. With advances in drone technology, aerial photography is dramatically shaping how real estate agents and sellers market their listings.
Aerial real estate video/pictures enable sellers to highlight unique aspects of a property and its surroundings including, but not limited to:
Views: I can’t think of a better way than to showcase a property with mountains in the background, or next to a golf course, beach, lake, etc.
Surrounding neighborhood and proximity to amenities (pool, tennis courts, etc.)
Large plots of land: Whether you are viewing the property online or in person, it is sometimes difficult to get an idea of the overall lot unless you see it from the aerial view.
Property layout and property line
A study by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International estimates that businesses using drones will generate more than $13.6 billion and create more than 70,000 new jobs in the first three years of integration. 30% of drone use is done by real estate professionals!
The Barbera Group has partnered with a company called DC Videos which specializes in producing high quality HD video and pictures of residential real estate. It is our goal to showcase all that your property has to offer, so that you can sell your property quickly and at a desirable price!
Feel free to visit their website to learn more about the services that they provide: